Welcome to Sunrise Ranch

Making Memories, Enriching Relationships
Sunrise Ranch is a family ranch in the beautiful foothills of the Black Hills. It combines some of the most unique ecosystems in the entire area. Deep pine and cedar canyons, sagebrush steppe, grasslands and the beautiful Cheyenne River bottom land are all part of Sunrise Ranch. The Hollenbeck family decided that the beauty of this ranch needed to be shared, so they built a six-bedroom lodge on the property. The lodge is open year-round, with summer being mostly family reunions and Black Hills vacationers. Fall brings hunters and their guests. During winter, the lodge is available for special events and family gatherings.
Sunrise Ranch was operated as a certified organic ranch for 10 years. It is currently holistically managed to continually improve the environment, grazing, and wildlife on the ranch.
A World-Class Hunting Destination in South Dakota
The Sunrise Ranch is home to world class mule deer, elk, buffalo and whitetail hunting. We have worked on improving the genetics in our herd, so we are able to harvest some spectacular trophy animals. We realize that not all hunters are after world class animals, so we also offer the opportunity to harvest meat animals and mature trophy animals as well. Our ranch is high fenced so we can set our season and guarantee you an opportunity to hunt without going through the tedious process of drawing tags and buying preference points.

About Sunrise Ranch
We welcome all groups to the ranch. We specialize in small family reunions and corporate retreats, as well as hunting enterprise. With the stress of everyday life left behind, you and your people will have time to enrich your relationships with each other. Whether work or play, we want you to enjoy the natural beauty of this place. You will forever remember the view from the front porch when you return to your reality wherever that may be.